Popular folk games in Lalmonirhat Sadar Upazila include Gollachhut, Dauradauri, Hadudu, Buri Chi, Bau Chi, Kana Machhi, Kitkit, Chhopachupi, Ikri Bikri, Nagardola, Openti Biscop, Eching Beaching, Sat Khola, Marble, Ghuri Uranu, Jumping frogs, playing rope, playing cocoon, playing with leaves, sparrow feeding etc. There is also the traditional stick game.
Water sports include swimming, sailing, diving etc. There are also traditional boat rides. Notable among the popular modern sports are football, cricket, ha-du-du, kabaddi, badminton, chess, ludu etc. There is a modern stadium in Lalmonirhat Sadar Upazila. There are also various sports on the Collectorate ground.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS